What is The Knitting Academy?

The Knitting Academy is a program developed to help you take your knitting to the next level.  You will learn new skills, ways to perfect your technique and perfect your finished project.  Here is your chance to raise your craft to the next level.  In the Knitting Academy, we will cover topics that will improve and enrich your knitting. The topics include sessions on things such as cast-ons, bind-offs, tips and tricks – and the ever-popular Fixing Flukes and Flubs.

In addition to The Knitting Academy, there are a number of project driving classes.

Knitting Class Options

There are a couple of ways to take classes.

Are you looking to improve your current skills? If so, check out The Knitting Academy. Here you will find a variety of classes meant to help you refine your knitting techniques and become a more confident knitter.

Are you a project-driven knitter? Then check out my other classes. They are specific projects, often sweaters or shawls, that will help you build your skillset and knitting know-how.